…. Is ‘NOW’ a good time for your health and well-being journey? ….
Holistic Healthcare has been established in Wanaka since 1992 and is located in a quiet and private setting in Wanaka.
Margaret Hurley has been involved in natural healthcare for more than 30 years including Naturopathy, Massage Therapy, CranioSacral Therapy and Reiki and has gained a wealth of experience, wisdom and knowledge… She continues to train in evidence based professional Naturopathic and Wellbeing courses making sure you receive the most up to date support and treatment plans.
Offering natural solutions with a focus on gastro-intestinal disorders, clinical detoxification and weight management by providing professional expertise in holistic healthcare, natural medicine and lifestyle awareness to help your return to good health.
I also help with preventative covid care and pre /post vaccine protocols, ‘vax adverse’ reaction injuries, long Covid and long CoVax.
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