Liquid Zeolites

LIQUID ZEOLITE contains natural purified clinoptilolite zeolite which has been ultra-micronized and ultra-cleansed, humic acid, fulvic acid, DHQ (dihydroquercetin), M-Water “structured water”, 72 naturally occurring trace minerals, 12 naturally-occurring amino acids, phyto-nutrients, macro-nutrients, and micro-nutrients. Potassium sorbate and citric acid added as natural preservatives.

Liquid Zeolites also forms an integral part of the Clinical Detoxification Protocols.

Benefits of Liquid Zeolite:

  • #1 Heavy Metals Detox (Safely Removes Mercury, Lead, Cadmium…)
  • Removes Radiation Particles (nuclear, x-rays, security scanners, medical)
  • Detoxes Environmental Toxins (smoke particles, cell phone radiation, chemicals, plastics, pesticides)
  • Helps Fight Tumor Growth (activates p21 gene telling tumors to die)
  • Helps Fight Viruses and Parasites (smothers and starves them)
  • Stops Mycotoxins (fungal, and mold spores) 
  • Relieves Symptoms of Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, MS, Morgellons and “mystery” Diseases
  • Relieves Symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus, Arthritis, Alzheimer’s, and IBS
  • Enhances Bone Formation and Red Blood Cells
  • Relieves Symptoms of Chronic Diarrhea
  • Natural Cleanse for Chemtrail Residue and Glyphosate Toxicity 
  • Natural Immunity Booster (makes stealth invaders visible and traps/zaps them)
  • Balances Total Cholesterol (Reduces LDL and VLDL and Boosts Healthy HDL)
  • Alkalizing Effect on Your Whole Body (alkaline effect on body)

Contact to purchase. New Zealand Sales only………………………………. $32 per bottle + postage

For Wellness Solutions